
Introduction to Edinburgh's City Local Plan

The City of Edinburgh enjoys a high quality environment that makes it an attractive place to live, work and visit. The built environment and setting of the city centre is internationally acclaimed and is a major factor behind its economic success. The unique blend of a world-class city, a growing city-region and an outstanding natural and built environment characterises Edinburgh in the 21st Century. This local plan will help to ensure that this special environment is protected and enhanced by encouraging high quality new development which will maintain the quality of life of both the present population and future generations.

When work on this plan began, the Council set out to prepare an ambitious document that would take Edinburgh forward by meeting the needs of all those who use the city, whether as residents, workers, shoppers or visitors. We have been successful in steering some innovative new policies through the statutory process into the adopted plan and I hope that these will help us to address the many challenges faced by the city over the coming years.

The new local plan has been produced at a time of change within the planning system. We have positively embraced the new reforms introduced by Scottish Government and have produced a local plan which is strategic in outlook, concise and focused on key issues. I believe that it provides a sound and sustainable basis for the future development of the city.

Finally, I would like to thank all the individuals, organisations and groups who submitted comments on the policies and proposals throughout the local plan preparation process. Your comments helped to shape the plan and made it stronger for that participation. I believe your efforts have ensured that this is a plan of which the Council can be proud.

Councillor Jim Lowrie signature

Councillor Jim Lowrie
Planning Committee Convener
28 January 2010

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