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Feature (ID: 40)

REF: 5622
Developer: Ms and Mr B Mellor and G Harding
UC_Date: 1585612800000
Shape.area: 136.233216
Shape.len: 74.57461742837133
SiteName: Regent Street Lane
Capacity: 1
Complete: 0
Remaining: 1
ConType: FULL
ConDate: 1470614400000
Affoordabl: 0
CASENO: 16/02382/FUL
Effective: E
P21_22: 1
P22_23: 0
P23_24: 0
P24_25: 0
P25_26: 0
P26_27: 0
P27_28: 0
P28_29: 0
P29_30: 0
P30_31: 0
P21Plus: 0
[330757.7280000001, 673939.6569999997] , [330754.57600000035, 673935.3890000004] , [330745.2520000003, 673942.6119999997] more...
[330775.0630000001, 673941.4299999997] , [330769.48199999984, 673933.9440000001] , [330765.41000000015, 673936.3739999998] more...

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